Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“It doesn’t matter,” Tom said, fighting to keep a brave face in spite of his sickening disappointment. “The important thing is that you and Jack are okay.”


“How about me going after him in the jeep?” Bud suggested. “Maybe I can give him a lift part way.”

As Bud drove off, the other two set about the laborious job of reassembling the spilled equipment. Dick, who was still unfamiliar with Tom’s new scanner, could offer only limited help. To make matters worse, many of the delicate electronic parts had been wrenched loose or smashed. Tom worked patiently to salvage what he could and put his invention even partially in order.

“Jack feels as bad as I do, skipper,” Dick said glumly. “We know how much you were counting on using the retroscope.”

“Forget it.” Tom managed a cheerful grin. “Maybe it’s not as bad as we thought.”

“Jack’s going to bring back a supply of replacement parts and test gear,” Dick added. “We figured there might be a faint hope of repairing the camera.”

“Good. I’m sure we can fix it.”

Half an hour later a small but powerful tank with a turret-mounted crane rumbled up to the scene. Bud and Jack Murray waved from inside the cab window. As the tank’s caterpillar treads ground to a halt, the two passengers climbed out.

“One thing’s sure,” Bud announced with a chuckle. “There’s now a clear trail between here and the Flying Lab. Boy, nothing stops this babyl” He patted the tank fondly.


“With built-in air conditioning!” Jack added. “You and your dad designed these tanks for the expedition to Little Luna, didn’t you? But they’re pretty handy here on earth, too-especially in a spot like this.”

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