Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope


“Go on, Chow! Show ‘em a Texas reel!” Bud urged. “And don’t forget your headpiece!” Seizing a large clay water jug, he placed it on the cook’s head.

Chow, full of enthusiasm, needed little urging. He waddled out among the dancers, balancing the jug precariously. Soon the chef was dancing a lively jig.

“What a man!” Bud roared, as he and the rest of Tom’s group shook with laughter.

Puffing and panting, Chow edged closer to his friends to show off his skill.

But the jug was wobbling more and more wildly. Suddenly, as Chow reached up to steady it, the jug arced from his head.

“Look out!” Tom cried. He made a wild grab for the heavy jug but missed. It struck Hutchcraft squarely in the forehead!

With a groan, Hutchcraft reeled under the impact, then slumped to the ground, unconscious!



THE MUSIC came to an abrupt stop and the crowd gasped as they stared at Hutchcraft’s motionless form.

Chow wrung his hands. “Brand my stupid ole hide, this is terrible!”

“Wasn’t your fault-just a freakish accident,” Tom tried to calm him. “I’m sure that Hutch isn’t seriously hurt.” As the Mayas clustered around to lend sympathy, he added in Spanish, “Give him air, please!”

With Bud’s help, Tom lifted the unconscious victim to a more comfortable spot. Chow bustled off to bring some cloths soaked in cool water, which had just been brought from the village well.

An ugly bruise and swelling were appearing on Hutchcraft’s temple. After several applications of cold compresses, however, the Bostonian revived. He sat up with a groan, then scowled as he caught

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