Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“Don’t you ever use hammer and nails?” Chow asked, puzzled.

Quetzal broke into one of his rare smiles. “I BALI OF MAGIC 91

have seen such tools once when I was in Merida,” he replied. “But we Mayas have no need of them.”

Meanwhile, other native workmen were laying floor planks of mahogany and Spanish cedar. A framework was then raised to support the ridgepole and thatching of the roof.

“Brand my fryin’ pan,” Chow reflected, “when it comes to slappin’ a house together fast, these little folks really know their business!”

Tom was busily at work assembling various transistors and other parts in the main detector eye when Bud drove up in the jeep.

“How goes it?” he asked.

“Almost finished,” Tom replied. “Dick and Jack have the other units ready. I just have the hookup to do and a little adjusting. How about the ship?”

“Everything seems okay,” Bud reported. “No sign of the skinny man, either.”

“Swell! Now if my camera works, we’re in business!”

Tom had just finished checking out the whole setup when Chow came clumping into the hut, followed by Quetzal. Both were beaming mysteriously.

“Got somethin’ to show you, boss!” the old ranch cook announced. “Come along an’ see!”

Tom, Bud, and the two engineers trooped after him, curious to find out what was up. They stared in amazement when Chow showed them the 92 ELECTRONIC RETROSCOPE

spanking new hut, larger than any other in the village.

“You mean it’s ours?” Tom gasped.

“Si, amigo,” the chief replied. “A present from my people to our friends from the Estados Unidos!”

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