Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“I’d love to!” Phyl said.

As she and Tom climbed into one jeep, Sandy and Bud got into the other, saying they were going on a little exploring expedition of their own.

When Tom and Phyl reached the paraplane, the young inventor made a quick check of the ship. Then he and Phyl climbed into the flight cabin.

“So far, so good,” Tom remarked, after warming up the jet engine. Then he switched on the pump and waited for the dirigible bag to fill with helium. “Now we’ll see what happens,” he said, a tinge of worry in his voice.



“IS SOMETHING wrong, Tom?” Phyl asked in bewilderment. She had expected the paraplane to take off immediately.

“Look up there.” Tom grinned in relief and pointed to the transparent panel overhead.

Phyl gasped as she saw the dirigible bag slowly billow out to its full shape.

The plane began to rise as she watched. “Oh, Tom! This is super!” she said excitedly.

The young pilot jockeyed the ship gently with rudder and elevators to keep it on a straight upward course. Presently the plane cleared the treetops.

“What a thrill!” Phyl exclaimed. “It’s like floating on air!”

Tom pressed a button on the control panel, and 139


the paraplane’s wings swung outward from the fuselage. “Speaking of floating,” he said, “how’d you like to ‘float’ over to the Flying Lab?”

“You mean, without using the jet-just as if we were in a balloon?” Phyl asked.

Tom nodded, smiling. “More or less. There’s a pretty fair wind up here, and it’s blowing in the right direction. I believe I can steer us there just using the rudder and other controls.”

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