Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

The swarthy police chief frowned and exchanged several remarks in Spanish with the other two policemen, whom he addressed as Pedro and Miguel. Then he turned back to Tom.

“I am afraid, sefior, that without proof, your story is unconvincing,” he said bluntly. “Where is this Senor Barancos you speak of?”

Tom shrugged. “Frankly, I don’t know. I’ve been wondering myself why he hasn’t arrived.”

“Very strange, is it not?” said Rodriguez sarcastically. “We have only your word that this man Barancos even exists.”

The young inventor flushed angrily at the police chief’s tone. He struggled to keep his temper. At that moment Doc Simpson put in hastily, “This officer may have a point, skipper. It does seem funny that Barancos hasn’t shown up.”

“I’m sure there’s nothing wrong,” Tom insisted firmly. “My father made the arrangements through the same authorities who okayed the medical project.”


Rodriguez mulled this over somewhat suspiciously. Pedro and Miguel, who seemed to have followed the conversation in English, spoke to him in an undertone.

After a whispered conference, Rodriguez said, “Very well, senores, we will take no action for the moment. However, we wish to inspect this new camera you spoke of.”

Tom explained that his camera equipment was at Ahau Quetzal’s village, about ten miles away. “I’m afraid there’s no clearing there big enough for your transport to land,” he added. “If you like, I can give you a lift.” Tom gestured toward his paraplane.

The three officers stared in astonishment at the strange-looking craft. “What sort of an airplane is that, senor?” the police chief demanded.

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