Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

The screen layers, through which cosmic rays were absorbed into the reactor, would be located at the top and on each side of the egg-shaped fuselage. The ring would be mounted upright on a flat, rectangular metal landing deck, with an atomic auxiliary rocket at each of its four corners. These rockets, Tom added, would be used to lift the ship above the earth’s atmosphere to an altitude at which cosmic radiation would be strong enough to operate the craft.

“Son, if your invention proves successful, it will not only reduce the cost of space flight, but open a great era of exploration in the universe!”

Tom could not help but feel a thrill of pride. “Then you think I should build the sailing spaceship, Dad?”



Tom added, “Any objection if I put on overtime shifts to speed up the project?”

“No indeed, son. Anything which will help our country and mankind to forge ahead in the conquest of space can certainly be classified ‘urgent’ so far as I’m concerned!”

Tom, who heartily agreed, realized that he was undertaking a great responsibility. He set to work at once converting his cosmic-sailer idea into reality. Round-the-clock shifts, under the direction of Felix Wong, were assigned to the project. Within days, the ship was nearing completion.

Chow walked into Tom’s laboratory one afternoon and said hopefully, “I’m goin’ along as your space cook, ain’t I, boss?”

Tom looked at the hardy Westerner affectionately, recalling how tough and valuable he had proved to be on earlier expeditions. “You sure are, pardner!”

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