Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

Finally Tom said in a cold, level voice, “All


right, you have the upper hand at the moment. What do you intend to do?”

The shaven-headed man gave a toothy smile of triumph. “Ah! You are ready to face the situation sensibly, then? That is most wise!”

Turning to his men, the leader issued orders in an Oriental tongue. Rope was brought and the astronauts’ hands were tied, except Tom’s. Bud, Chow, Felix, and the four crewmen were herded off to join the other prisoners. From glimpses caught through the open doorway of the compartment, Tom saw that there were at least a dozen enemy raiders in the group.

At last Tom was left alone with the leader and three of his men.

“You are wondering, perhaps, why you were not tied up with the others,” the Oriental said. “That, my friend, is because you will be allowed to leave here. We came to the outpost in a rocket ship. It departed at once in order not to arouse your suspicions. We shall return to earth in your Cosmic Sailer with yourself at the controls.”

“What makes you think I’ll agree to that?” Tom snapped.

“Would you rather die at once?” The man sneered. “Three times we have tried and failed to kill you, Tom Swift-once in a car accident, once on a rocket flight, and once by a bomb placed aboard your yacht by that stupid Olin Whaley. I assure you we shall not fail next time!”


“Why are you so eager to kill me?” Tom asked coolly.

The man’s eyes narrowed. “You and your father are successful scientists,”

he snarled. “Your work is prized by your own government. For our chief, that is reason enough to kill you!”

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