Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“So far, so good,” Tom thought. “Now to see if my idea works!”

He switched on power and adjusted the voltage reading of the control unit.

Instantly the needle of the gravity dial swung downward.

Tom gave a cry of delight. “It’s workingl”

The gravitex was concentrating and magnifying the gravitational force acting on the suspended weight.

“I want Dad to see this!” Tom muttered triumphantly. He turned a knob on the control unit, stepping up the voltage. The gravity needle responded by swinging still farther around the dial.

At the same time, Tom became aware of a strange sensation in his head. He felt giddy. “What’s the matter with me?” he wondered.

The young inventor had a weird feeling of going up and up in space. He grabbed the workbench for support. His eyes would not focus right.

A second later Tom blacked out completely!



“HEY, TOM! Where are you?”

Bud Barclay had just poked his head into the laboratory. Getting no answer to his shout, he strode forward to see what was making a hum. Bud gasped when he saw Tom sprawled unconscious on the floor beside his workbench.

“Good night! What happened to him?” With a pang of fear, Bud ran toward the young inventor, flicking off the power switch as he passed it. He raised Tom’s head and felt his pulse, then grabbed the phone to summon Dr. Simpson.

“Doc, get to Tom’s lab on the double!” Bud cried.

The Enterprises plant physician arrived within moments and Tom was carried to a cot in an adjoining room. To Bud’s immense relief, there was no sign of injury. After a few whiffs of spirits of

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