Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“I barely made it,” the young engineer concluded with a shudder. “Believe me, I hope I never have to run such a race again!”

He gave a description of the four men. Then Tom hurried to the phone to report the incident to Harlan Ames. Less than an hour later, the security chief called back.

“The police have traced the men, skipper, but we’re out of luck. The four Chinese were seen on a street corner, boarding a bus. A state trooper’s car stopped the bus on the highway. The driver reported that the men got off near the edge of town. The restaurant owner couldn’t give any clues. Says the men were strangers to him.”


Tom swallowed his disappointment. “Okay, Harlan. Let me know if the police pick up any leads.”

Mr. Swift drove Felix home and the young people resumed dancing for a while. But the ominous episode had spoiled the evening’s gaiety, and Bud and Phyl soon said good night.

The next morning Tom had hardly reached his office at Enterprises when Felix Wong telephoned him. The young engineer sounded excited.

“Tom, this may or may not be a useful clue,” he said, “but I believe that one of those men who followed me was not a Chinese, but only disguised as one.”

“Why so?” Tom inquired tensely.

“Because,” Felix replied, “after thinking the whole thing over since last night, it seems as if I’ve known the fellow before-as someone with an American name!”



AS TOM gripped the phone tightly, his eyes flashed with interest. If the man had been disguised as a Chinese, he might be someone whose face would be recognized around Shopton!

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