Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“Think hard, Felix,” Tom begged. “Try to recall where you saw this man before.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do ever since I woke up this morning,” Felix replied. “I just can’t place him. I’m sure his name will come to me, though, sooner or later.”

“Okay. Let’s hope it’s sooner,” Tom said good-humoredly. He was about to hang up when a new thought occurred to him. “Wait a second, Felix!” he added hastily. “Suppose the man is a spy working right here at Enterprises. Think you could spot him?”

“I could try,” Felix agreed.

“Good! I’ll pick you up in a jiffy and we’ll make a tour of the plant,” Tom said.



Tom dashed outside to a jeep and sped to Felix Wong’s department. A honk of the horn brought the young Chinese-American hurrying out to join him. They began a building-by-building tour of Swift Enterprises.

They visited laboratories, workshops, testing rooms, and aircraft hangars.

Even the infirmary and the security department were included in the check. In every section of the plant, Felix silently glanced over the faces of the employees.

Male clerks were scanned in the Administration Building. But none brought the hoped-for flare of recognition to Felix Wong’s eyes.

“There’s still one chance,” Tom said. “We’ll go over the daily list of absentees and check their photos in the security files.”

Again the boys’ efforts drew a blank.

“Sorry, Tom,” the young engineer apologized. “I was hoping I could spot him.”

Tom concealed his disappointment. “Forget it, Felix. It was a long shot, anyhow, and I’m glad we found no traitors here at Enterprises.”

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