Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“Cosmic radiation,” Tom replied. “It seems to go in waves like the wind.”

Tom explained that the space station had no


artificial gravity. A slight magnetic field in the decks was used to grip the metal soleplates attached to all crewmen’s shoes. This, plus the slight natural gravity from the earth, was enough to maintain the men’s health and enable them to pursue normal activities.

“As you probably know,” Tom continued, “cosmic radiation affects all our instruments up here. And a real cosmic storm such as we just passed through can cause some queer effects. In this case, it must have triggered off our station’s stabilizing mechanism.”


Bud gave a wry chuckle. “I’ll bet your solar-battery-charging setup was working overtime during that blast, too!”

Tom nodded thoughtfully. “Another thing, Bud-the danger from cosmic storms is a problem I’ll also have to lick with my kite ship, sooner or later.”

As station routine returned to normal, Chow headed back to the galley. The larder was well stocked, and by messtime that evening the Texan had prepared a magnificent feast of roast turkey, dressing, and chocolate pudding topped with whipped cream.

“Man, what a dinnerl” said Ken Horton appreciatively when the meal was over. “You should visit us up here more often, Chow!”

The rest of the crew agreed heartily. “Maybe we could talk him into staying,”

one technician suggested.

Chow’s leathery face broke into a happy grin. “Nothin” a cook likes better than to feed folks with a good appetite,” he said. “I sure appreciate your kind invitation, but I better stick to my reg’lar job-slingin’ hash on Tom’s expeditions.

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