Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Sandy! You’ve guessed it!” Tom crossed the room in a single bound, gave his sister a quick hug, and whirled her around. “Exman must mean the Bona Fide Submarine Building Corporation! He didn’t dare risk telling us the exact translation.”

“Of course!” Mr. Swift was equally jubilant. But his face was grave as he added, “The company’s located on the West Coast close to the AN URGENT WARNING 151

San Andreas fault. Tom, a quake in that area could be devastating!”

“You’re right, Dad,” the young inventor replied. “I’ll call Dr. Miles and Bernt Ahlgren at once!”

The telephone conversation that followed was grim with tension. Both government men begged Tom to take personal charge of the quake-deflection measures. Dr. Miles pointed out that tremors along the fault might trigger off a chain of quakes amounting to a national disaster.

After a hasty discussion, Tom agreed that he should station himself at the Colorado site, rather than at the West Coast Quakelizor installation. This would give him broader scope for damping out shock waves across the continent.

“I’ll fly out immediately!” the young inventor promised.

Ahlgren, meanwhile, would flash orders to the Bona Fide Company and to civilian officials to have the entire area evacuated as soon as possible.

Hasty preparations were made for Tom’s departure. He telephoned the airfield to have a jet plane with lifters readied for take-off. He also had Bud paged over the plant intercom. The copilot came on the run. When he heard the news, he was eager to accompany his pal.

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