Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Think I’ll listen to the news,” Tom thought, and switched on his dashboard radio.

A moment later the announcer’s voice came over the loudspeaker.

“Casualties from yesterday’s disastrous earthquake now total thirty-one injured,”

the announcer reported. “Most of these are employees of the Faber Electronics plant and four are in critical condition. There is one note of cheer, however. At last report, Mark Faber, the brilliant president of the company, is now expected to recover.” Tom gave a thankful sigh of relief.

The announcer continued, “The nearby town of Harkness was only lightly damaged, but the plant itself was almost totally demolished. No estimate of the losses has been released, but will certainly run into millions of dollars, including some highly secret defense items which were being developed at the plant.

Scientists are puzzled by the severity of the quake in what had been considered a ‘dead’ area.”

For the first time Tom, too, was struck by this curious aspect of the disaster.

So far as he knew, no serious tremors had ever before been reported within hundreds of miles of the region.

He was mulling over the matter as he drove


along a lonely wooded area, not far from Lake Carlopa. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted as a man stepped out from among the trees ahead and gestured with his thumb for a ride.

“Sorry, mister,” Tom reflected, “but I’ve had trouble with hitchhikers before!”

He shook his head to let the man know that he did not intend to stop.

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