Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X


Again, the signal bell interrupted. This time, Exman gave a number of military details, evidently picked up from orders issuing from Brungarian rebel headquarters. They concerned incoming troop movements from the north and operational plans for crushing out the last pockets of resistance by loyal government forces.

Tom recorded them with TV tape, then snatched up the telephone and called the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington. He relayed the information from Exman and asked if American agents could transmit it to the loyalists.

“Don’t worry. We’ll see that it reaches them,” the CIA chief assured Tom.

“Many thanks. This could have important consequences.”

As Tom hung up he decided on a bold move. “Dad, I’m going to lead a raid on Balala!”

“A raid!” The elder scientist was electrified.

“According to the atlas, the island is barren and deserted,” Tom said, “so no friendly power will object if we land there. If it’s being used as an enemy base for quake attacks against our country, we have every right to investigate. I might be able to learn the secret of the setup-perhaps even put the equipment out of commission.”

“Nevertheless, a raid by a United States force could lead to trouble if the base there puts up any resistance,” Mr. Swift said gravely.

“That’s why I intend to handle it myself,” Tom declared. “I’ll take all responsibility.”


Tom Sr.‘s eyes flashed as he recalled some o� his own hair-raising exploits in younger days. “All right, son,” he said, putting a hand on Tom’s shoulder. “I know I can trust your judgment. Good luck!”

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