Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

To the young inventor’s amazement, the pedestrian deliberately stepped onto the road-squarely in the path of Tom’s oncoming car!

Tom jammed on the brakes, and the silver sports car screeched to a stop.

Only a quick twist of the wheel had prevented an accident!

Somewhat angrily, Tom exclaimed, “What’s the big idea, mister? Don’t you realize you might have been-”

“Shut up!” the stranger snarled. In an instant the man had yanked open the door and climbed in beside Tom.

“Take me inside the grounds of Swift Enterprises,” he commanded in a foreign accent. “And no tricks or you will regret it!”



TOM, astonished, stared at the stranger.

“Who are you?” the young inventor demanded.

“Never mind who I am. Just do as I say!”

By this time Tom had recovered from his surprise and coolly sized up his enemy. The man was about thirty years old, with close-cropped black hair. Steely eyes glinted in a lean, hard-jawed face.

Tom wondered, “Should I risk a fight? Or is he armed?”

As if in answer, the stranger growled, “I gave you an order, my friend. Don’t press your luckl Get going!”

As he spoke, the man thrust one hand deep into his coat pocket, and Tom felt something hard poke against his ribs.

The young inventor drove on, but proceeded slowly. He wanted time to think.

Presently Swift



Enterprises, enclosed by a high wall, came into view.

Tom’s brain was working fast. At last he decided on a ruse. He would head for the main gate, get out, and use his electronic key without waiting for the guard to admit him. At the same time, he would press a secret warning bell to alert the Swift security force.

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