Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X


“Good night! Another quake?” Bud gasped.

Tom had already rushed to the videophone. Flicking it on, he switched to a commercial channel. Soon a picture appeared on the screen. It was a panoramic shot of a landscape, evidently viewed from a hovering aircraft, with a large industrial plant just below.

A TV commentator’s voice was reporting developments. “Few visible signs of a tremor,” he said. “As you can see, the rocket-plant personnel and the people of Medfield are making desperate attempts to evacuate. Fortunately, most of them have already left the immediate area.”

A few cars and trucks could still be seen speeding along the ribbonlike roads within view of the hovering television camera.

“Oh-oh!” The commentator’s voice broke in again. “Notice that tall stack just over the plant-see how it’s starting to tremble! … It’s beginning to crumble! …

This must be it!”

Suddenly the whole scene seemed to explode. Plant buildings collapsed like toy houses built of cards, while at the same time huge rocks and trees were uprooted as a yawning crack opened in the ground below.

The three watchers in Tom’s office stared in horrified dismay. But a moment later the picture on the TV screen became jerky and distorted, then faded out completely.

After a brief interval, a studio announcer came ANOTHER TREMORI 35

on. “The relay transmitter must have been knocked out by the quake. We return you now to our regularly scheduled program, but will keep you informed as bulletins come in.”

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