Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Bud rode in one police car and Tom in another as a house-to-house search was conducted along the highway that ran past Enterprises.

At one weather-beaten house, where Bud stopped with a state trooper, an old man came to the door.

“What you fellers prowlin’ around for?” he asked.

“Bomb emergency,” the trooper said laconi—


cally. “We have orders to search every house cellar for underground openings.”

Grumbling, the old man let them enter. He followed them down a rickety stairway. A moment later Bud stumbled and gave a yell. The trooper swung around just in time to see Bud drop from viewl CHAPTER V


AS THE trooper’s flashlight stabbed through the cellar gloom at the spot where Bud had disappeared, there came a loud splash! The light showed a round hole in the floor, rimmed by a low circle of brickwork.

“What’s that hole?” the trooper snapped at the owner.

“What does it look like?” the elderly man snapped back. “It’s an old well.”

“A well!” the trooper exclaimed as he rushed to the spot. “And not even covered? What’re you trying to do-kill people?”

The old man sniffed. “Used to be covered, but the lid’s gone. Didn’t expect to have a bunch of nosy fellers pokin’ around down here!”

The state trooper muttered angrily under his breath as he shone his flashlight into the well-39


shaft. Bud was splashing around below, soaked and chagrined by his accident.

“Give me a hand!” he called up.

The trooper reached down, but was barely able to touch Bud’s finger tips. To make matters worse, the sides of the well were slippery with moss.

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