Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Get a rope,” the trooper ordered the old man.

“Ain’t got one.”

The policeman reddened and stood up to his full six-foot-two. “Look, mister-what’s your name?”

The elderly man shrank back, as if suspecting that the trooper’s patience might have been tried too far. “Ben Smith,” he mumbled.

“Okay, Mr. Smith, you get a rope or something else to pull this boy out. And fast!”

Ben Smith gulped on his chewing tobacco and hurried off. A minute or so later he returned with a length of clothesline. The trooper lowered it into the well and Bud was soon climbing out, looking like a drenched rat.

“Sorry, son,” Smith said apologetically. “Guess I should have warned ye.”

Bud chuckled good-naturedly. “It’s all right,” he said. “It was my own fault for not watching where I was going. Besides, you can’t blame an American for not liking the idea of having his home searched.”

The old man chuckled too and flashed a wary


eye at the trooper. “I’ll go get ye a towel to dry off with,” he told Bud.

Meanwhile, Tom was investigating a house down the road with another state trooper. The owner, a paunchy unshaven bachelor named Pete Latty, and his seventeen-year-old nephew accompanied them to the basement.

A naked light bulb, hanging from the ceiling, revealed an ancient furnace, and an accumulation of junk. Most of it was covered with dust, but Tom noticed a large packing crate that looked as if it had been freshly moved. He walked over and began to shove the heavy box aside.

“What’re you doing?” Latty asked gruffly.

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