Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Military aid to support the rebel coup is pouring in from Maurevia, Brungaria’s powerful province in the north. The Brungarian prime minister, his cabinet, and all loyal administrative personnel have fled or been arrested.

“Worried United States State Department officials admit that the surprise coup poses a new and dangerous threat to free-world security. Further news reports will be broadcast as soon as they reach this station,” the announcer ended.

For a moment Tom and Bud were too stunned to speak. Sandy was wide-eyed with the realization that the news spelled trouble for Swift Enterprises and all America.



“Looks as though that CIA man who briefed us wasn’t kidding, eh, skipper?”

Bud muttered at last.

“It came sooner than he expected!” Tom said.

Jumping up from the table, Tom switched off the radio and hurried to the hall telephone. In a few moments he managed to get a long-distance call through to Wes Norris of the FBI.

“Is the news on this Brungarian coup as bad as it sounds, Wes?” Tom inquired.

“Worse! That rebel bunch really has it in for us, as you know, Tom,” Norris replied. “They envy America and they’ll move heaven and earth to steal our scientific secrets. This could touch off a whole epidemic of sabotage and other spy activity!”

Tom’s jaw clenched grimly. He then asked the FBI man his opinion about the discovery of the secret arms cache in Pete Latty’s basement.

Norris admitted he was puzzled. “It doesn’t add up, Tom,” the FBI agent said thoughtfully. “If our enemies were planning to destroy Shopton by a quake, why would anyone be needing a gun?”

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