Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Right.” Hank rolled up the sketches.

“And, Arv,” Tom went on, “I’d like a scale model made to guide them on assembly. How soon can you have it?”

Hanson promised the model for some time the next day, and the two men hurried off.

As usual, Arv proved slightly better than his word. The expert modelmaker was devoted to his craft and as apt to forget the clock as Tom himself, when absorbed in a new project. By working on in his shop long after closing hours, Hanson had a desk-size model of the space-brain robot ready for Tom’s inspection when the young inventor arrived at the plant early the following morning.

“Wonderful, Arv!” Tom approved. “Every time I see one of your models of a new invention, I’m sure it’ll work!” Hanson grinned, pleased at the compliment.

Tom hopped into a jeep and sped across the plant grounds to deliver the model to Hank Sterling and his project crew. Work was already well along on the electronic subassemblies and the strange-looking “body” was taking shape.


That afternoon Ames and Billing returned from Washington. The report they gave to Tom bore out his hunch that the rebel Brungarian scientists might well be able to divert the space energy.

The next day was Friday. Tom was hoping, although none too optimistically, that the container might be completed before the week end. To his delight, an Enterprises pickup truck pulled up outside the laboratory later that afternoon and Hank rolled the queer-looking device inside.

“Hi, buster!” Tom greeted it. “Is this your daddy?”

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