Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Tom, we must get these girls home as soon as possible,” Bud declared.

This, however, was not easily accomplished. The tidal wave had caused devastation along the entire shore front. Many docks had been wrecked, boats splintered like matchsticks, and buildings along the water smashed.

When Tom’s group reached Bud’s convertible, parked near the yacht club pier, they found the car completely waterlogged. Its electrical system gave not even a faint sputter or spark.

“Oh, fine!” Bud groaned. “The crowning touch!”

Eventually ambulances and private cars began to arrive to transport the injured. Tom, Bud, and the two girls were given a lift to the Swift home WALL OF WATER! 63

where Sandy and Phyl were immediately put to bed by a worried Mrs. Swift.

Downstairs, Tom switched on the TV set. A mobile camera crew from the local station was scanning the water front and interviewing witnesses of the disaster. To the two boys, the most interesting note came in a statement by the announcer that a very slight earth tremor had been felt in Shopton.

“But no damage occurred except along the water front,” the announcer explained.

Tom gave a snort of anger, jumped up from his chair, and began pacing about the living room. “Bud, I feel sure that wall of water was caused by a minor earthquake!” the young inventor declared. “What’s more, I’ll bet it was man-made!”

Bud stared at his friend, appalled but feeling a hot surge of anger himself. “If you’re right, pal, it’s the most fiendish sabotage I’ve ever heard of! Think of all the lives that were endangered!”

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