Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Chief Slater was waiting in his office. “Narko showed signs of cracking this morning,” Slater told Tom, “so I notified the Central Intelligence Agency. They’re flying a man up here-in fact he should be here by now. Narko won’t talk till he arrives.”

“How come?” Tom asked.

“Narko wants a bargain,” Slater explained. “If the government will promise to deport him at once without trial, he’ll spill what he knows.”

Tom whistled. “I sure wouldn’t want to be in his shoes when he gets back to Brungaria! His


bosses aren’t stupid. They’ll know he must have made a deal to get off scot free!”

Just then a taxi from the airport pulled up outside police headquarters, and the CIA official was ushered into Slater’s office. He proved to be John Thurston.

“Narko’s waiting in his cell,” Slater said, after an exchange of handshakes.

“Let’s hope he hasn’t changed his mind.”

The Brungarian spy rose from his cot as the turnkey unlocked his cell door.

“You are from Washington, eh?” Narko said to Thurston. “Very well. I presume the police have told you my offer. Is it a bargain?”

Thurston was poker-faced. “You know the penalty for spying!” he snapped.

“In your own country it would mean death. Why should we let you off?”

Narko’s calmness evaporated. Beads of sweat burst out on his forehead.

“I have done no harm and I know little or nothing of my superiors’ plans!” the spy said excitedly. “Why should I lie to you with my life at stake? After all, I am only an insignificant agent. But one important thing I do know-and this I will reveal if you promise to deport me at once!”

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