Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Your dad said to give it the old college try,” Bud reported. “And he also said he’d be back in two days to help you on the problem.”

Tom glanced at the calendar. “Which reminds me,” he said, “on Monday the brain energy will be due from space!”

The thought sent a thrill of excitement tinged with worry through the young inventor’s mind. Would the container he had devised prove suitable?

“Heyl A call on the videophone!” Bud pointed to the red light flashing on the control board. He jumped up and switched on the set.

Blake, the Washington announcer, appeared on the screen.

“Bad news, skipper,” he said ominously. “An earthquake tremor was just felt here in Washington. It centered in a shipyard on the Potomac and caused great damage!”



TOM and Bud listened in dismay as Blake reported all the details he had been able to gather.

“Was my Quakelizor a flop, Bud?” Tom muttered, his shoulders drooping as the announcer signed off. “It must have been!”

“Don’t be silly! Snap out of it!” Bud gave his pal a cheerful poke in the ribs, hoping to buck him up. “You heard what Blake said-Washington itself was hardly touched. Without your setup, think of all the people that might have been killed or injured! And all the government buildings that might have been wrecked, maybe even the White House. I’d say your shock-wave deflector must have been at least ninety per cent effective!”

Tom brightened somewhat on hearing Bud’s words. He picked up the phone, and placed a call to Dr. Miles at the Bureau of Mines. It was al-83

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