Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Now Mr. Swift said, “You’re right, son. We’ll insert a blocking filter in the R.F.

stage that should do the trick.”

Their minds relieved of this problem, the Swifts were eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the brain energy from space the next day. The scheduled time, if pinpointed at exactly two


weeks from the moment when the first message was received, would be half an hour past noon.

The spot, two miles from Enterprises, was on a lonely hillside. It was shaded by trees, higher up the slope, with bushes and other wild-growing greenery softening its contours. Over the week end, Tom had had carpenters from Enterprises put up a small cabin at the foot.

As twelve-thirty approached, Tom, Bud, Mr. Swift, Hank Sterling, Arv Hanson, and several other Swift technicians stood by at the scene with the star-headed container. Chow had also begged to be on hand.

“I jest got to see Ole Think Box come to lifel” he said.

Eyes darted back and forth from wrist watches to sky as the zero moment ticked closer. Bud even began muttering a countdown.

“X minus three … X minus two … X minus one … This is it!”

All eyes flashed skyward. But nothing happened! Not a speck showed in the blue, cloudless sky.

The watchers glanced at one another uncertainly. More minutes went by.

Soon it was quarter to one … then one o’clock.

“No mistake about the time, was there?” Arv asked.

Mr. Swift shook his head. “Not if the code was translated correctly.” He frowned. “It’s true they


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