Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

“Don’t worry, Sis. Tell Mother and Dad that we’re okay,” Tom said. “We’ll be home in a jiffy-with big appetitesl”

The helicopter arrived within twenty minutes at the place Tom had named.

After landing at Enterprises, the boys drove to the pleasant, tree-shaded Swift home on the outskirts of town.

Mrs. Swift, a slender, petite woman, tried not to show concern when she saw the boys, bruised and disheveled. “I’m so thankful you’re both safe!” she murmured.

Blond, blue-eyed Sandy, who was a year younger than Tom, had invited her friend Phyllis Newton to the house for dinner. Phyl, a pretty, dark-haired girl, was the daughter of Mr. Swift’s long-time friend and business associate, “Uncle THE EARTHQUAKE 9

Ned” Newton. The two girls were as much upset as Tom’s mother.

Tom laughed. “We’re not stretcher cases,” he said. “Why, one of the ambulance doctors checked us out.”

Bud groaned. “Why did you have to go and spoil it?” he complained jokingly.

“I was all set for Sandy’s cool soothing touch on my fevered brow!”

Mr. Swift came into the living room just then and told Tom how worried Mrs.

Swift and Sandy had been. “I tried to assure them that you and Bud can take care of yourselves in any crisis.” He smiled guiltily as he added, “But I must admit I was more than a little concerned myself.”

As Tom grinned, the resemblance between him and his father was very evident. Both had the same clean-cut features and deep-set blue eyes, although Tom Jr. was lankier and taller.

After the two boys had showered and changed their clothes, Mrs. Swift served them a delicious, hot meal. While they ate, Mr. Swift managed after some difficulty to get a call through to the Harkness Hospital. His face was grave as he hung up.

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