Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Steeling his nerves, he grabbed the waiting container and held on grimly. An instant later the glowing mass sharpened and narrowed itself into a snakelike bolt of fire that arced straight into the head of Tom’s invention.

Tom gave a yell of triumph and clamped the star point shut, then pushed a button to activate the self-sealing process.

Chow peered out cautiously from behind a clump of rock. The next second, he let out a Texas whoop, bounded from cover like an oversized gnome, and sent his ten-gallon hat sailing high into the air.



Bud cheered too. “The visitor from Planet X has arrived!”

In their excitement and relief, the three hugged one another and jumped for joy.

“Should we wake up your dad and tell him the good news-or keep it a surprise till morning?” Bud asked Tom.

“I guess we’d better-”

Tom broke off in a gasp as the robotlike container suddenly began to whirl-slowly at first, then faster and faster. Spinning crazily like a huge runaway top, it darted up, down, and about the hillside.

Tom and his two companions stared in helpless amazement.

“Great horned toads! What’s it up to?” Chow exclaimed.

“Seems like the energy’s trying to get out!” Bud guessed. “Something must be bothering it.”

Tom shook his head incredulously. “No reason for that. The container was absolutely empty.”

Chow suddenly gave a groan and slapped his forehead in dismay. “Brand my Big Dipper!” the cook said. “Mebbe Ole Think Box has gone loco! An’ it could be my fault!”



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