Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Mr. Swift’s eyes lighted up. “Of course! The machine already translates the space code into written English. All we need do is add a device to convert the machine’s impulses into sound!”

In two hours the Swifts had put together a mechanism designed to work through a tape recorder. This was hooked up to the electronic brain.

After recording for several moments, Tom reversed the tape and switched on the playback. A squeaky jumble of noises could be heard. But one word seemed to come through fairly distinctly. “Universe!”

“It’s talking!” Tom cried out

“Trying to, but not succeeding very well,” Mr. Swift said.

Nevertheless, the two scientists were jubilant at this first breakthrough.

Eagerly they began making adjustments-both on the electronic-brain hookup and the converter mechanism. Tom was just about to switch on the tape recorder again when the telephone rang.

The young inventor was annoyed at being interrupted at such a crucial moment, but picked up the phone. “Tom Swift Jr. speaking.”

“You have an urgent call from Washington,” the operator informed him. “Just a moment, please.”


Bernt Ahlgren was calling from the Pentagon. The defense expert’s voice was strained.

“Tom, there’s just been another attempt to cause an earthquake here in Washington!”

Tom gasped. “What happened?”

“It failed, thanks to you. But Intelligence believes an attempt will be made on New York City very soon. We need your help to stop it. How near completion are the other shock deflectors?”

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