Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

As to the other three Quakelizors, Ahlgren suggested that one be installed on the West Coast, one in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and the third on the Atlantic island of San Rosario. This would protect both Latin-American allies and Caribbean defense bases of the United States.

Before deciding, Tom asked that Dr. Miles at the Bureau of Mines be circuited into the telephone conversation. Mr. Swift, too, joined in on another line.

The four scientists discussed the problem and referred to geologic maps. Finally the exact sites were agreed upon.


“Dad, I’m going to deliver and install one of those Quakelizors myself,” Tom declared, after the telephone conference ended. “Judging from that phone impostor last night, there’s no telling what sort of trick our enemies may try next!”

Mr. Swift approved heartily. “Good idea, son. In the meantime, I’ll see what I can accomplish with Ole Think Box here.”

Tom notified Uncle Ned of the delivery sites. He requested that because of the urgency of the situation, Swift planes transport the Quakelizors. Mr. Newton promised to have five cargo jets loaded and prepared for take-off from the construction company airfield.

Next, Tom turned to the job of rounding up flight crews. He decided that Hank Sterling, Arv Hanson, Art Wiltessa, and a crack Swift test pilot, Slim Davis, would each captain a plane.

Tom was just hanging up the telephone when Chow wheeled in a lunch cart, bearing sizzling servings of steak for the two Swifts.

“How’s Ole Think Box comin’ along?” Chow inquired.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor