Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X


As the helicopter approached its destination, Tom radioed for clearance, then whirred down toward the landing field. The barracks, workshops, and launching area of the base lay spread out in full view. Cargo rockets bristled on their launching pads, along with Tom’s spaceships, including the mighty Titan, and the oddly shaped Challenger and Cosmic Sailer.

North and south, the island was fringed with docks. Here the recovery tugs and fuel tankers were moored, as well as the Swifts’ fleet of undersea craft.

Tom had chosen a cargo-hauling jetmarine, named the Swiftsure. It was a larger version of his original two-man jet sub, the Ocean Dart. He had given orders the night before to have it ready for sea by morning.

By jeep and truck, Tom’s group sped across the island to the dock. Exman was quickly lowered aboard through the sub’s hatch. The others followed, the conning-tower hatch was dogged shut, and soon the Swiftsure was gliding off into the shadowy blue-green depths.

“What’s your sailing plan, skipper?” Hank Sterling inquired. The quiet-spoken, square-jawed engineer stood beside Tom at the atomic turbine controls and looked out through the transparent nose of the jetmarine.

“Go slow. Give ‘em plenty of chance to pick up our trail,” Tom replied.


For two hours they cruised at moderate speed. Nothing happened.

Disappointed, Tom surfaced and radioed his father for news, after cutting in the automatic scrambling device.

“You’re in time for an exciting flash,” Mr. Swift reported jubilantly.

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