Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 17 – And The Visitor From Planet X

Tom explained to his father that he had blown the sphere himself, following a formula adapted from the quartz glass used for view panels in his space and undersea craft.

“What’s it for, son?” Mr. Swift asked, after studying the setup curiously.

“Don’t laugh, Dad, but I’m trying to produce a brain of pure energy. A substitute for Exman, so we can go ahead with our sensing experiments.”

Mr. Swift reacted with keen interest and offered to help. “But remember, son,” he cautioned, “at best you can only hope to produce an ersatz brain energy-which will be vastly dif-A UNIQUE EXPERIMENT 143

ferent from the real thing. Don’t forget, Tom, the mind of a human being or any thinking inhabitant of our universe is based on a divine soul. No scientist must ever delude himself into thinking he can copy the work of our Creator.”

“I know that, Dad,” Tom said soberly. “Man’s work will always be a crude groping, compared to the miracles of Nature. All I’m hoping to come up with here is a sort of stimulus-response unit that we can use for testing any sensing apparatus we devise.”

The two scientists plunged into work. First, a bank of delicate gauges was assembled to record precisely every electrical reaction that took place inside the sphere. Then Tom threw a switch, shooting a powerful bolt of current across the electrodes. The field strength of the electromagnets, controlled by rheostats, instantly shaped the charge into a glowing ball of fire!

“Wow! A real hothead!” Bud wisecracked, trying to hide his excitement.

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