Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

Tom nodded thoughtfully. “They were instructed to look for a man trying to sneak past alone. Seeing you in the same car with a known employee, he probably assumed you were all right.”

Mirov was allowed to change into dry clothes, then his hands were bound behind his back. When the water cleared, Tom and Bud ventured outside again.

First they headed for Bud’s jetmarine to reassure his crew. Here they learned that the mystery submarine had vanished.

“Good riddance!” Bud exclaimed jubilantly.


“They probably didn’t even realize you had found the missilel”

“Had found is right-past tense,” Tom said wryly. “It’s no doubt buried again.

But at least we have the right spot.”

They emerged from the jetmarine and headed back toward the site. As they glided astern of the Sea Hound, Tom uttered a cry over his suit mike.

“Bud! There it is!”

Both boys darted ahead at increased speed, and Tom played his flashlight beam over the precious treasure. Instead of burying the missile deeper, the grenade explosion had uncovered the entire nose cone and part of the section behind it!

“Sizzlin’ squids! What a break!” Bud whooped.

The boys jetted back to the Sea Hound to announce the good news. Zimby and two other crewmen were dispatched in hydrolungs to inform the other ships.

Tom requested them to remain submerged and guard the site.

Twenty minutes later the Sea Hound was zooming up to the surface. Tom hoisted the craft’s aerial and radioed word to his father, who was overjoyed. Mr.

Swift, in turn, had news-that the rebels’ key man and Len Unger had been seized by the FBI. Tom’s next call was to Admiral Walter.

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