Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

“Ames speaking.”

“This is Tom Jr., Harlan.” His captor bent close to the receiver as Tom replied, in order to overhear what was being said. “I’ve been thinking,” the young inventor went on, “that it might be smart to have Mirov released.”

“Released!” Ames gasped in surprise. “But why, skipper?”

“Well … er … as a good-will gesture,” Tom said. “I think it might prevent future trouble with the Brungarians, don’t you?”

“I do not!” Ames exploded. “The idea sounds crazy!”

“I don’t think it’s too crazy or too risky,” Tom argued. By emphasizing the words, he hoped to impress them on Ames’s mind.


Tom’s tone of voice and the farfetched nature of what he was saying had already triggered the security chief’s suspicions. “Where are you calling from?”

Ames asked after a tense pause.

“Shopton,” Tom replied. “I just drove in for a haircut.” With a chuckle, he added, “Haven’t had one in three months. That’s a whole week longer than I usually go!”

Would Ames understand that by “week” he meant seven days? … “It’s the best I can do,” Tom thought.

“Look, skipper, are you sure you want Mirov let out?” Ames said slowly. “I still think it’s unwise.”

“Consider it an order!” Tom snapped. “This is one thing I insist upon, Harlan.

Shouldn’t take more than five or six hours, should it, even if he has to wire the Brungarian Embassy to put up bail?”

“It can probably be handled faster than that-if he has any friends around town,” Ames said.

Tom took the cue. “Could be,” he replied meaningfully.

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