Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

But presently Arv snapped his fingers to catch Tom’s attention. “Got her, skipper!”

Tom took over the hydrophones. Sure enough, his ears could make out the faint hum of the jetmarine’s atomic turbines. Tom directed Hank toward the sound, then ordered him to switch on the Sea Hound’s powerful search beam.

The light cut a path of radiance through the


murky dark-green waters. Dead ahead, the jetmarine could be seen gliding across their field of view.

“Your system blinded our sonar okay, skipper,” Hank commented, “but this proves she could still be spotted by enemy listening devices.”

Tom refused to be discouraged. He ordered Hank to return to base and wait for Bud. Meanwhile, the young inventor applied himself to the problem of how to mask the sub’s noise.

“How about it, pal?” Bud asked, when he reported aboard the seacopter a while later.

Tom explained the results of the test and the need for an added safeguard against hydrophone detection. “Think I see a simple way out, though,” he added with a pleased chuckle.

“Natch! With a brain like yours, it’s a cinch,” Bud quipped. “Explain, professor.”

“Well, we can never do away with the noise of a sub’s propulsion machinery,”

Tom began. “That goes without saying. So we’ll have to camouflage it-lose it in the underwater jungle noises, so to speak.”

Bud scratched his head. “How do we do that?”

“By amplifying the natural undersea sounds all about it,” Tom explained.

“Fish and all forms of underwater life make a background noise over the hydrophones, you know.”

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