Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung


and how he and Mel had captured the two Brungarian frogmen and their shore contact.

“Nice going, pall” Tom exclaimed.

“But here’s the catch,” Bud went on. “When we took off again in our hydrolungs to go back aboard ship, the jetmarine was gone!”

“Maybe she’s trailing the enemy sub,” Tom conjectured.

“That’s what I’m hoping,” Bud said uneasily. “Trouble is, our subs aren’t armed, and who knows about that Brungarian job? The way they sling missiles around, anything could happen if she spots the jetmarine.”

Tom frowned. “I’ll organize a search right away. Where are you calling from?”

“Police headquarters at Sandbank.”

“Okay. Take it easy, and I’ll send a whirlybird to pick you up,” Tom promised.

“And don’t forget some clothes,” Bud added with a chuckle. “Mel and I are getting chilly.”

“Right!” Tom hung up and gave Arv Hanson a quick briefing.

Then he phoned the base airfield to dispatch a helicopter. He also contacted the nearest Coast Guard station and put through a long-distance call to Navy Headquarters in Washington to request help in searching for the jetmarine.

Finally he and Arv headed back to the submarine docks in the jeep.

A flurry of activity followed as Tom detailed


ships for the search and rounded up crews. He was interrupted by a phone call in the loading shed. It was the control-tower operator.

“One of our drone planes has spotted a sub approaching, skipper,” the operator reported.

“What bearing?” Tom demanded excitedly.

“One-seven-six.” Tom was about to hang up and grab a pair of binoculars when the operator added hastily, “Wait! It’s responding to our radio challenge 1 .

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