Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung


Bud gave a whistle of excitement at the possibility of new undersea adventures ahead. “Count me in, pal!”

The two boys broke off their conversation a short time later and went back to the Administration Building for lunch with Tom’s father.

Mr. Swift greeted them with a smile as they entered the big double office.

“Glad you could join me, boysl Chow’s laid out quite a feast for us today.”

Three places had been set at the conference table, and an appetizing repast of sizzling ham and sweet potatoes waited in covered dishes on a lunch cart nearby.

“Mmml” Bud inhaled the aroma. “Good chow from good old Chow!”

Tom switched on the videophone screen to a private channel to catch the noon news while they ate. The newscaster wore a look of excitement as he spoke without pausing for the usual commercial.

“The Brungarian government has just scored a propaganda bombshell!” he reported. “In a news announcement released less than half an hour ago, they stated that their Navy has perfected an undetectable submarine!”

The Swifts and Bud froze, openmouthed, at the newscaster’s words.

“No need to tell you what this could mean to American security,” he went on.

“If enemy subs


slipped through our continental defenses, their missiles could devastate the United States with scarcely an instant’s warning! The whole country’s been rocked by the announcement. An official comment by our Defense Department is expected at any moment.”

“Sufferin1 satellites!” Bud gulped.

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