Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

Mr. Swift nodded. “It’s a great propaganda stroke. But I wonder why they’ve chosen to reveal their secret at this time.”

Tom said thoughtfully, “Dad, do you suppose they’ve realized the fact that we know about their antisonar gear?”

“Could be, son. They may figure that since the secret is out already, they may as well play it up for all it’s worth.” The elder scientist paused and frowned.

“Or it might be intended to force our hand.”

“You mean in hopes of getting us to reveal whether or not we have an antidetection system ourselves?” As his father nodded, Tom scowled. “If so, that sub yesterday may have been observing our tests.”

The telephone rang and Tom leaped to answer it. The caller was Dan Perkins of the Shopton Evening Bulletin.

“You can guess why I’m calling, Tom,” the editor said. “How about a statement from you Swifts on this Brungarian sub story?”

“We found it very interesting,” Tom said po—


litely but noncommittally. Parrying further questions, he hung up as soon as possible.

Mr. Swift approved Tom’s policy of silence. Almost immediately the phone began ringing again with a succession of calls from other newspapers and wire services. Tom dashed off a brief, general statement and instructed Miss Trent to give it to all further callers.

“Maybe this is a good time to make a private announcement to you fellows,”

Mr. Swift said to the two boys, his eyes twinkling. “Do you recall my telling you that Doc Simpson had isolated an unknown vitamin from the space plants? Well, we’ve now discovered that this vitamin can condition the human body to stay under water indefinitely. Doc is putting some up in capsule form.”

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