Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

“Did you go home after you left the plant today?” Tom asked.

Ames shook his head worriedly. “No, I stopped at a restaurant. Mind if I use your phone?”

“Go ahead.”

The security chief called Enterprises and asked his assistant, Phil Radnor, who was on night duty, to make a thorough search. While awaiting the results, Ames also called the restaurant, but learned that no such item had been turned in.

Half an hour later Radnor called back to report no luck. “The amulet may show up yet, Har-lan,” he said. “But I’ll alert the guards at the plant to be on the lookout for an unauthorized visitor.”

“Thanks, Phil.” Ames hung up and turned away from the telephone with an embarrassed look. “Fine example I’m setting as head of plant security,” he murmured. “Let’s hope the amulet wasn’t stolen.”

Excusing themselves from Mrs. Swift and Sandy, Tom Sr. and Jr. retired with Ames to Mr. Swift’s study to discuss the news he had brought.

“I had a late call from Admiral Walter this eve-160 THE ELECTRONIC HYDROLUNG

nlng,” Ames explained. “The Navy’s getting pretty desperate over that lost missile. They’re ready to cooperate with any moves you care to make. I take it you’re prepared to carry out a search on your own, Tom?”

The young inventor nodded. “Yes, as soon as I’ve perfected all the gear I’ll need-which won’t be long, I hope.”

Ames added, unhappily, that certain papers and news commentators had been making snide remarks about the Swifts’ failure to match the Brungarians’

submarine achievement.

“I think Tom has that situation pretty well in hand,” Mr. Swift remarked with a smile.

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