Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

In spite of Chow’s worried argument over the delay, the other crewmen agreed to wait.

During the night, Tom worked furiously in the underground laboratory of the mine. Bud and Ed watched as he constructed a device similar to the zircon-arc powered maser Bud had seen at Enterprises.

“At least I have a chance to use real rubies,” Tom remarked wryly, as he ground out a slender rod from the biggest of the uncut stones. “Let’s hope I can get a strong, clear signal to contact the outpost for help.”

When the device was finished, Tom noted that the eight-o’clock deadline was uncomfortably close. Quickly he wrote out several pages of cleverly falsified data and formulas, then made some sketches.


But as he was about to signal with the maser, the prisoners heard the door being unbolted. “The rats!” Bud muttered. “They’re five minutes early.”

Wayne walked in, followed by Gursk, who was cradling a carbine. “Well?”

Wayne demanded curtly.

Silently Tom handed him the papers. Wayne studied them with narrowed eyes. Then he looked up, smoldering with rage.

“Junk!” He crumpled the sheets viciously. “Did you think I’d fall for this eyewash? All right, Swift, you’ve tried to trick me again, so take the consequences!”

Gursk raised his carbine, aiming it at Ed Longstreet. Tom knew he had no choice but to use his ruby maser as a weapon. He snatched up the device and thumbed the switch.

A burning needlelike beam shot toward Gursk’s hand!

Gursk dropped the carbine with a howl of agony and clutched his wrist, burned by the maser’s intense heat. Bud dived for the weapon and seized it!

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