Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar


“I have been waiting here for over four hours,” he complained as they shook hands.

“A call or telegram that you were coming would have saved us both some inconvenience,” Tom returned evenly. “I hope you have been comfortable.”

Flambo snorted. “A ridiculous-looking cowboy brought me lunch-a concoction of rattlesnake meat. Naturally I was unable to touch it.”

Tom repressed a grin. “Chow probably thought he was paying you an honor.

He does prepare-er-unusual delicacies at times.”

As he spoke, Tom looked over his visitor carefully. Flambo was dressed impeccably in a suit of shimmering gray silk. Tom’s eye was caught by his ruby tie clasp.

“Perhaps we can talk more comfortably in my office,” Tom said.

As they walked across the grounds toward one of Tom’s lab buildings, the young inventor remarked, “I can’t help admiring your tie clasp, sir. That’s a Kabulistan ruby, isn’t it?”

Flambo bared his white teeth in a sneer. “I fear your knowledge of rubies is not so expert as your scientific skill, my dear Mr. Swift. This happens to be a pigeon’s-blood ruby-a gift from a colleague in India.”

“My mistake,” Tom said with a smile.

When they reached the office, adjoining a lab, Tom offered his guest a chair and sat down be-46 TRIPHIBIAN ATOMICAR

hind his desk. “What can I do for you, Mr. Flambo?”

“My company-Pan-Islamic Engineering Associates-is making a great contribution to the Middle East,” Flambo said proudly. “We are building roads, bridges, and refineries-all with technicians from our own countries. A far better way than letting greedy outsiders get a foothold!”

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