Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

Tom nodded. “I believe science knows no national boundaries. All countries have a right to share in scientific progress.”

Flambo scowled. “Unfortunately some countries use their scientific leadership to impose their will on less advanced areas.”

“Some do,” Tom agreed coolly. “Not the United States.”

Flambo shrugged impatiently. “In any case, my company could make good use of your new, small-sized, atomic dynamo. We are therefore prepared to offer any price within reason for the sole industrial rights to your invention.”

Tom was startled. Then a smile spread over his face. “That’s the second time in a few days I’ve had such an offer, Mr. Flambo. My answer to both offers is No.

When and if my midget power plant is perfected, I intend to sell or lease it for use wherever it can help mankind.”

Flambo’s eyes blazed. “Meaning wherever you can use it as a tool for getting advantage over weaker countries!” he stormed.


The telephone rang. Tom picked it up, listened a few moments, then replaced the receiver with an amused look.

“Excuse me a minute, sir,” Tom told Flambo. “Your secretary Mirza seems to be trying to get a foothold where he doesn’t belong.”

Tom hurried outside and found Chow Winkler holding Mirza tightly bound in the loop of his lariat.

“Caught the sidewinder sneakin’ past my galley window-snoopin’!” the Texan reported.

Mirza was quivering, either from anger or fear, Tom could not decide which.

The secretary’s face looked livid as he muttered something unintelligible.

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