Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

This midget power plant-a revolutionary breakthrough in itself-would change atomic energy directly into electricity. Tom explained that the present sports car model of his atomicar -for demonstration purposes-was being temporarily powered by solar batteries. The latter, another of Tom’s inventions, were small powerful electric cells charged by the sun’s rays at the Swifts’ outpost in space.

This was the Swifts’ manned space installation, a wheel-shaped “factory,” which they had recently assembled.

“How soon will your atomic capsule be ready to install, skipper?” Bud asked.

Tom shrugged and grinned. “I’ll answer that tomorrow after we’ve tested it in the lab.”

Sandy glanced at her wrist watch as they neared Shopton. “Gracious! This ride’s been so thrilling, I almost forgot we’re to meet Cousin Ed at the airport at four-fifteen!”

Torn whistled. “Good thing you reminded me!”

After dropping Phyllis Newton at her house,


the others drove on to the Swift home. Here Tom turned over the atomicar to Bud, who would drive it back to the Swifts’ experimental station. Then Tom and his sister headed for the Shopton airport in the family car.

Ed Longstreet, a slender young man of twenty-five with a good-humored grin, was one of the first passengers to reach the exit gate.

“Hi, Ed! How’s the world traveler these days?” Tom said, shaking his cousin’s hand.

“Just great! And say! Who’s this blond charmer?”

Sandy giggled and gave Ed a quick kiss.

Then they followed the stream of passengers into the terminal building. As they waited at the luggage counter, Ed described his flight home from the Middle East via London.

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