Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

“No doubt you’re wondering what’s behind this week-end invitation, Tom,” the banker said.

“Frankly, sir, I am.”

“I’ll explain,” Provard began. “My colleagues and I are underwriting a private foreign aid project of our own-with no assistance from Uncle Sam. We need the kind of technical help, however, that only you Swifts can provide.”

The project, he went on, was an attempt to industrialize the new country of Kabulistan almost overnight. “Lift it by its bootstraps, so to speak,” Provard added.

Kabulistan! Tom and Bud were excited by this announcement.

“Understand, we aren’t starry-eyed idealists,” put in Ruthers. “We’re out to make a profit. But at the same time we believe we can help Kabulistan raise the living standards of its people-with no strings attached.”

“Our aim,” Provard said, “is to develop the country’s resources as quickly as possible. This


will mean building industrial plants, dams, roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals.

“We think the project is important to the whole free world,” Provard added, “because if we don’t succeed, Kabulistan may soon fall victim to some greedy foreign power. Certain neighboring countries are already being unduly friendly and offering technical help.”

The banker said he and his group were only financiers-money men. They would need an engineering firm to mastermind and carry out such a big-scale technical program. All were agreed that Swift Enterprises was the scientific organization best fitted to tackle the job.

The talk went on throughout the afternoon and evening. Tom was thrilled by the scope of the project. On Sunday, before flying home, he gave Provard and group a tentative Yes on behalf of Swift Enterprises-subject to his father’s approval.

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