Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar


“As for our being spies,” Tom went on, “we have visaed passports and papers signed by your own ambassador in Washington, inviting us to come here at the request of your ruler.”

The colonel frowned and stroked his jaw as Tom took out a sheaf of credentials, many stamped with elaborate gold seals. Reading them over, one by one, the colonel flushed and began to perspire heavily. Suddenly he sprang up.

“Salmut-e-Salaam!” he exclaimed, bowing and snapping his heels. “It is clear there has been some mistake in our information, and I apologize most deeply.

Colonel Kazar, at your service!”

Chow and the others grinned. Tom smiled and shook hands with the officer.

“By the way, sir, do you mind telling us who provided the false information about us?”

The colonel stroked his mustache and looked uncomfortable. “Um-ah-it was received by telephone,” he mumbled. “Most unfortunate. I should prefer to say no more about it. But rest assured that suitable action will be taken against those responsible.”

Tom guessed that the call had been anonymous, and although very curious as to the identity of the culprit, felt that it would be wiser to let the matter drop.

“In any case, Colonel, we’re due at the palace for a royal audience,” he went on. “Perhaps one of your men could show us the way.”


The colonel leaped into action. He barked out orders and the sergeant bolted off on a run. Moments later a large, glistening, but somewhat antiquated limousine was driven up to the front door of the barracks.

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