Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

Forty-eight hours later the homing pigeon tested out successfully-the magnetic homing device guiding it straight back to the plant. Tom was jubilant over the success of his latest invention.

When he arrived back at his laboratory, he was informed that Asa Provard was calling on the phone. “Something terrible has happened!” the banker cried.

“We must give up the Kabulistan project!”




“YOU mean call the whole thing off?” Tom could hardly believe his ears.

“I’m afraid we have no choice,” Provard replied. His voice sounded hoarse and strained.

“But why, sir?”

“I-I think it wiser not to discuss the matter over the phone,” the banker told Tom. “Will you be at your experimental station for the rest of the morning?”


“Very well. I’ll take off for your place by plane as soon as possible.”

Tom hung up in a daze. He had thrown himself so wholeheartedly into the project that he was shocked by Provard’s announcement. A dazzling chance to show how the wonders of science could benefit a whole country, almost overnight-shattered by a single brief telephone call.

When Bud strolled into the laboratory a few



minutes later, he found the young inventor staring dejectedly out the window.

“Hey! What cooks?” Bud inquired. “Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad-not after your homing device just checked out perfectly!”

“Oh, no?” Tom retorted. “Wait’ll you hear the latest news from Provard.” He related the banker’s startling message.

Bud listened with growing dismay. “But Provard can’t just cancel the whole deal after all the spadework you’ve put into it! What does your dad think?”

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