Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar


Puzzled and uneasy, Tom gave orders for the prisoner to be placed under guard. He also detailed several of his American crewmen to act as sentries for the rest of the night. The camp finally settled back to sleep.

The next morning, as Tom was finishing breakfast in the mess hall, Hank walked in. His square-jawed face had a grim look.

“What’s up?” Tom asked.

“Our native workmen won’t finish the airstrip,” Hank said. “They want their wages.”

Tom hurried outside. The men were standing around in tense little groups.

They looked fearful.

“What’s this all about, AH?” Tom said.

The interpreter fidgeted and gave an evasive reply. Tom tried to question him but got nowhere. Finally he called for the prisoner to be brought out. One look at his sly grin gave Tom a clue.

“So he’s been talking, has he?” Tom snapped at Ali. “What were he and his friends up to last night? Or would you rather tell the police?”

Ali’s eyes widened worriedly. “Okay, sir. I tell you,” the interpreter gulped.

“The men who came last night planted land mines all about the camp. Who knows where? Anyone who steps in the wrong spot may be blown to pieces!”



LAND mines! Tom and Hank stared at each other in dismay.

Most of the other Swift crewmen and technicians had gathered to watch Tom quiz Ali and the prisoner. A few of them tried to wisecrack to hide their uneasiness. But others, especially the men who had families back in Shopton, looked frankly worried.

“Where were the mines planted?” Tom asked. “On the airfield?”

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