Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Kroker nodded. He said the purpose of scattering the aluminum foil was to give Creel a chance to rummage through Tom’s papers and uncover whatever plans he had made.

Kroker added, “Creel showed us his invitation to the masquerade. We forged one for Jarvel.”

Creel, reddening guiltily, blurted out, “I didn’t know they’d try to plant a bomb. When I found out, I warned your security chief, Tom!”

Shamefaced, Creel insisted that the only reason he had agreed to help Macklin was that he was badly in need of funds. “I’d lost a lot of money on a recent business scheme,” he added.

The journalist said he had been offered high pay if he could join Tom’s expedition and keep Macklin’s men informed about the work. He had sneaked out of camp to talk to them the first night after the project got underway. It was his cigarette Auber had found.

“He tipped us off about the chance to wreck the transmitters!” Kroker snapped.

While the raiders were operating in the jungle, Kroker’s men had learned about Professor Eldreth from natives and enlisted his help.

“You’re a pack of fools!” Macklin exploded bitterly. “I knew I couldn’t trust you! That’s why


I had to come along tonight-to make sure the job got done. You’ve bungled the whole business, and now we’ll all wind up behind bars!”

“Where you belong,” Auber remarked. “I’d say that about finishes the case-eh, Tom?”

The young inventor nodded and glanced apprehensively at the sky. “From the sound of that thunder, we’d better get back to camp.”

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