Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“My friend,” Kwanu began, facing Tom with a smile, “you and your father have the reputation of doing the impossible. We have, therefore, come to ask you to undertake an impossible task.”

Tom grinned back, slightly embarrassed. “Thank you. My father regrets that he can’t be here for this meeting-he’s engaged on a secret space research job at our rocket base on Fearing Island. I think he’d tell you we can’t do the scientifically impossible, but we’re certainly interested in hearing about your project.”

Kwanu rose and stepped to a huge relief globe of the world which stood near Mr.

Swift’s desk.

“My country, Ngombia, is divided into two


provinces, inhabited by tribes that differ in customs.” Kwanu pointed out their location. “West Ngombia-which is agricultural and settled-contains our capital, Princetown. East Ngombia, more primitive, is rich in minerals which are being mined by an international firm, Afro-Metals, Limited, by arrangement with our government.”

“I’ve heard of it,” said Tom.

“Unfortunately,” Kwanu went on, “the two provinces are separated by a vast jungle.

To weld our country together and develop it, a highway system must be built through this still-unexplored jungle-an almost insurmountable task, according to skilled engineers.”

“Has a route ever been surveyed?” put in Ames.

“Yes, quite recently, by an American firm-the Burlow Engineering Company,” Kwanu replied. “My government had planned to give them a contract to build the highway. But they encountered an unforeseen problem.”

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