Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Tom considered his visitor. Creel seemed pleasant, and Tom could understand a collector’s interest. But he knew nothing about the man’s background. “I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer right now,” Tom replied. “We’re not certain yet we’ll take on the Ngombian project.”

Suddenly a bell rang shrilly.

“It’s the plant radar alarm!” Bud cried out.

The boys dashed to the radarscope. Faint blurs of “snow” dotted the screen. Tom snatched up the telephone and called the security office.

“What’s happening, Harlan?” he inquired.

“We don’t know yet, skipper,” Ames replied excitedly. “Some strange metal objects are fluttering down over the plant!”



TOM hastily excused himself to Creel and ran out of the building, with Bud at his heels. On the way, Tom told Bud what Ames had reported.

“There they are!” Bud exclaimed, pointing upward. A number of small, silvery forms could be seen, glittering in the sunshine as they floated slowly down to earth.

The boys ran to retrieve one piece that landed nearby. Tom examined it closely.

“What the dickens is it?” Bud asked, mystified.

“Seems to be made of aluminum foil. But don’t ask me what it’s supposed to be.”

The foil had been cut and folded in a strange geometric design that looked oddly birdlike. By this time, other employees had come running across the grounds. They scattered to pick up the pieces of foil.

A short time later Ames joined the boys, bringing another batch of the queer foil “birds” which



had floated down to the Enterprises airfield. “What do you make of them, skipper?”

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