Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“He might be very helpful to you, Tom, with his knowledge of the African bush. He’s also ac-A JUNGLE MYSTERY 47

quainted with several native dialects.” The curator paused thoughtfully. “By the way, there’s a mystery you might help to solve while you’re over there.”

“A mystery?”

Dr. Gorde nodded. “It involves a man named Professor Welkin Eldreth, a rather eccentric zoologist. He had some theories about a mysterious plant or mineral extract which could change the growth process of living organisms. He went off to Ngombia twenty years ago to pursue his research work and hasn’t been heard from since.”

“That sounds interesting,” Tom said.

“Yes, I’m curious to know what happened to him-and whether or not he had any success with his theories.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open,” Tom promised, “and see if I can pick up any clues.”

Tom returned to Enterprises and phoned Darcy Creel. When he told him to be ready for takeoff the next morning, Creel seemed delighted. Tom felt that if Creel was not involved in the mystery, he would be of considerable help. If he was in league with the young inventor’s enemies, this would give Tom a chance to watch him and perhaps discover who was behind the plot.

Early the next morning the giant silver Sky Queen soared aloft from its special runway on the Enterprises airfield. This atomic-powered craft, equipped with jet lifters, had been Tom’s first major invention. It was fitted out with the latest 48 REPEIATRON SKYWAY

research equipment in all fields of science and was often called the Flying Lab.

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