Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“A Congo peacock!” Creel exclaimed.


“Mbulu, it is called,” Akomo added.

Creel whirled to face him. “You’ve seen it before?”

Akomo shrugged. “Three, four times maybe.”

“So what?” Bud asked Creel.

“Why, that bird wasn’t even discovered till recently, and it’s never been recorded outside the Congo! If that exists here in the Ngombian jungle, think of the other finds that may be waiting for us!” Turning to Tom, he pleaded, “Give me time to go after it! At least long enough to try for some photos!”

Tom felt a sudden twinge of suspicion. Was Creel using the peacock as a ruse to slip away for some underhanded purpose connected with the plot?

Before the young inventor could repy, Bud spoke up, “Swell! I’ll go with you!”

From the look Bud flashed him, Tom guessed that the same suspicion had occurred to his pal.

“Okay. I guess the bearers can use a rest. But don’t be gone too long.”

On Tom’s suggestion, Akomo told two of his men to accompany Bud and Creel. As they disappeared into the underbrush, the rest of the party deposited their loads and prepared to wait.

Soon it was time for lunch. Tom was silent and thoughtful as he ate the tasty meal Chow had prepared from their rations. Hour after hour dragged by with still no sign of the bird hunters. Tom became worried as the afternoon wore on. Had he 66 REPELATRON SKYWAY

made a mistake in letting Creel leave the group? And what about Bud’s safety if Creel were indeed in league with Tom’s enemies? Once they were off in the bush, away from the main party, almost any kind of “accident” might happen!

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